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Boat Found After Storm That Killed Puffins


Ingunn Sif Höskuldsdóttir and her children reported boat # 230568 in northern Iceland on June 13, 2024. This boat was deployed by the Le Commandant Charcot on August 2, 2023 at the North Pole. Before it was deployed it was decorated on board by a passenger on the cruise ice breaker.

Ingunn wrote:

Every spring we head north to my mother's family farm. The kids are always very excited to go to the black sand beach nearby, so we went there soon after arriving on Thursday, June 13. The northern part of Iceland had suffered an unusually big snowstorm the week before our arrival, but this day was sunny and wonderful. The storm had killed hundreds, or even thousands of wild birds in the area, and we were sad to walk past dead puffins in the sand. But the storm had also washed up a small wooden boat that caught our attention. My mom found it and the kids were happy to play with it in the small streams at the beach. The boat was covered in black sand, so initially we did not see the engravings. The letters of the Float your boat website were almost completely faded away, but we figured it out eventually. We were all fascinated about the fact that the boat had travelled all the way from the North Pole. What a wonderful adventure. The kids are all excited to request boats to decorate with their class in the fall and learn more about the Arctic!

Ingunn Sif Höskuldsdóttir's children with found boat

Boat Number


Date Found

June 13, 2024

Place Found

Valþjófsstaðafjara, Núpasveit, Öxarfjörður, Ísland 66.2276312, -16.4466710

Found By

Ingunn Sif Höskuldsdóttir

Date Deployed

Who Deployed

​Le Commandant Charcot

Deployment Location

North Pole

Track Taken

North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre through Fram Strait


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FYB is an outreach project of the International Arctic Buoy Programme developed by David Forcucci (US Coast Guard, retired), and Ignatius Rigor (Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA) and can be reached at arcticfloatboat @

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